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Bonfire Season Tips

How to prepare your dog before fireworks begin

1. Speak to your vet well in advance

If your dog has a fear of loud noises, they may be able to help or offer a referral to a qualified behaviourist who can help tackle your dog's fear of fireworks.

2. Provide a safe hiding place

At noisy times around Bonfire Night and the rest of the firework season, make sure your dog has somewhere safe in his or her favourite room, perhaps under the table.

You can build your dog a cosy den to give them somewhere to hide away.

3. Feed your dog before the fireworks begin

Once the fireworks start, they may become unsettled and not want to eat during the fireworks.

4. Walk your dog before dark

During the firework season, make sure your dog is well exercised and has had a toilet break well before the fireworks begin.

5. Try to settle your dog before the fireworks start 

If your dog is in familiar safe surroundings, this can help them cope with the noise. Once the fireworks starts, it's best to let your dog decide what they want to do - play or hide away.

6. Make sure your house and garden are secure

During the fireworks fear may make your dog try to escape. You should close all the windows and curtains, turn the lights on and play the radio or TV to help drown out the sound of fireworks.